What is the legal fight that you are pursuing?
One of the Legal questions I am endeavoring to have the Courts finally determine, is the question of which Act or Legislation has higher standing in Law; moreover what protection, and or as in this case, what legal shelter from eviction abuse by Mortgagee Royal Bank of Canada can the residential Tenants within the Province of New Brunswick expect as R.B.C. forecloses on properties and attempts to obtain vacant possession by evicting residential tenants; 'Residential Tenancies Act' versus the 'Property Act', according to R.B.C. 'Property Act' has higher standing I disagree and say the Residential Tenancy Act is NOTWITHSTANDING all other Acts, therefore is higher standing in Law.
How do I make a Complaint against the Police?
This page provides information concerning how I have (free of any fee or charge) made numerous complaints against members of FREDERICTON POLICE FORCE regarding inappropriate conduct, which required the Police to investigate themselves and the Chief of Police must obliged write to me directly with his assessment each and every incident.
Should I document each incident in life?
I have discovetred that it has been most benificial that as soon as paper is avaiable immediately following any incident I document the entire event!
I have learned that complete documentation of incidents is indispensable, with regard to every detail; moreover, not superficial or partial but complete without any detail left out, and where possible, I must record the events as they occur chronologically; the following post may be interesting as I share my experience for your consideration.
What does organized mean to me as a self represented litigant, however, I am honored to share my experiences, as to which have been organizational mistakes, furthermore, how I now avoid those non productive habits alternatively to be able to successfully organize for methodical litigation of my various claims as PLAINTIFF and or my defense as DEFENDANT against the claims of others against me .
I find the more succinct, the better, while always paying attention to avoid unnecessary redundancies, in the following post I share my mistakes and success in that regard.
What is Conflict Resolution?
The following post provides explanation for what is: “Conflict Resolution”.
I discovered that there are many time limitations influencing the filing of an 'ORIGINATING PROCESS' usually a NOTICE OF ACTION FORM16A to therefore begin and subsequently keep an Action to enforce my claims alive.
Statute of limitations A statute of limitations, is an enactment in a common law legal system, that sets the maximum time after an harmful or injurious incident/event has occurred which sets the time limitations clock for all legal proceedings that which may follow.
What are the rules of natural justice?
The principles of natural justice, appear to me to be principles concerning procedural fairness, therefore ensuring that a fair decision is reached by an objective decision making process.
The principles of natural justice, appear to me to be principles concerning procedural fairness, therefore ensuring that a fair decision is reached by an objective decision making process.
Should I try to resolve the issues before starting a litigation?
I find that it is in my best interest to attempt to resolve disputes out of Courts of Law, through negotiation and compromise where possible.
This may be as simple as sending some well thought out letters, expressing your intent to resolve the issues through negotiation and compromise.
It is in my own interest, that, if I am negotiating, I may inadvertently commit myself to tacit agreements, that could be held against me later, so, to remain safe I guard my legal position for a later date, I have found this is good practice to place the words "WITHOUT PREJUDICE" at the top of each and every negotiation letter.
I must always remember to include "WITHOUT PREJUDICE" at the very top of every letter, here is a link to a post I wrote on the subject of "WITHOUT PREJUDICE":
If I decide to write a letter, to attempt to resolve a outstanding issue, here is a link to a post I wrote on the steps which I have followed:
What happens if I cannot resolve the issues?
When issues cannot be easily resolved through negotiation and compromise, I may need to seek the assistance of a Judge. To do so, I must commence an 'ACTION' or a 'MOTION' depending on my circumstances to date such as has the 'ORIGINATING PROCESS' be filed with Court Client Services or not. I discovered MOTIONS always follow 'ORIGINATING PROCESS' and 'NOTICE OF ACTION'
Action means a proceeding commenced by issuing a Notice of Action;
An action or proceeding is a law suit. The plaintiff and defendant are known as the parties to the action. In an action, one Party, the plaintiff is suing the other the Party /defendant for some sort of remedy such as damages, performance of some task, etcetera. The plaintiff wants a judge to grant him specific relief. The defendant may or may not want to fight the action.
If I am required to File an 'ORIGINATING PROCESS' with Client Services for Court of Queen's Bench an therefore a 'NOTICE OF ACTION(FORM 16A)' will be drafted and Court File Date Stamped receiving a schedule to be heard by Trial Division Courts, this is the step by step process which I have followed and here provided below is a Link:
Do I need to be a good public speaker to make n Appearance in Court?
No, but the following post may help you be a better speaker, before the Court, so that you may effectively communicate your position and argument, for the Courts consideration.
What do I need to know, about the Judge, who I will be appearing before?
The following post is about body language and demeanor of the Court, this may be useful to you at some point.
The following post is about body language and demeanor of the Court, this may be useful to you at some point.
What do I need to know about Court Appearances?
So you're going to court . . .
What follows is a post on some suggestions as to how I attempt to maintain my best, when making a Court appearance. These suggestions are based on my experience, notes taken by observation.
What follows is a post on some suggestions as to how I attempt to maintain my best, when making a Court appearance. These suggestions are based on my experience, notes taken by observation.
How Do I File a Lawsuit?
The following article provide insight into the steps in the process:
What is SUPERIOR COURTS / Queens Bench Trial Division?